On Friday I finished up my second week at my new job. And I'll say the same thing I said to my mom, "It feels good to be back!" I feel like a part of me has been reawakened. I'm back to looking forward working with children, Justin has noticed I'm more talkative and I enjoy telling him about the little ones I already love. This job is somewhere in the middle what I've done the past few years. It's a step above daycare, but it's not quite "counselor". The counselor/child ratio is really small and I LOVE that I have so much opportunity for small group or one-on-one time. I've always loved working with kids, but honestly the last year I worked in daycare I was getting so burnt out. This is a new environment and it's different than anything I've ever done before and I believe it's good for me.
If you didn't already know, I work at the Youth Center on base. So, mostly military kids. This is such an eye-opening and humbling experience for me. I've only been working 2 weeks and I've already heard so many stories. A lot of the kids were born in a different country, have lived in 6 different states before they start 3rd grade, and even one girl was telling me about how BOTH her parents were deployed at the same time for 6 months and it's going to happen again next month. I hear and see everything these young ones have already experienced and they tell me their stories with a smile on their face and the only thing I can think of to say to myself is:
I have absolutely NOTHING to complain about
Like I said...humbling. And now I, of course, am already dreading the day I have to say goodbye. I've never been good at that. A few friends of mine and my parents would be able to tell of the time I've called them crying because one of my favorites has left or I'm having to leave them. I've just never been good at that part of the job. However, I still think my job is awesome. My boss is AWESOME (which I really appreciate after some horrible bosses I've had in the past), my co-workers are all super nice and we all work together as a team, and the kids are AMAZING. No complaints here!! And as a bonus, for the first time ever I don't have to come home and start homework! Which I never did a whole lot to begin with (right, Lallo?)
Okay, I'm done rambling about my job. Justin told me he thinks he is almost 100% positive on where we will be heading after he graduates primary on January 19th because the Navy has "changed things."
Now, I've only been in a military wife for 3 months (3 months exactly today). But, Justin has been in the Navy for over a year now and in that year, I have learned to not make announcements about changes of station or anything of that nature until you have your orders on paper and in your hands. Because more than likely, this plan that Justin is almost 100% positive on will change. So, sorry guys, I'm not going to say where we are headed next until we have those paper orders in our hands. But hey, that's just more incentive for y'all to keep reading my blog!! Happy Sunday! :)